We didn't have a doctor's appointment this month, so her weight is the old school me holding her and subtracting. So, Joe and I think she weighs approximately 14 pounds this month. We didn't measure her.
R2D2's eyes are still bright blue! :)
Clothes: I've put away all of her 3 month clothes and she's comfortably fitting into 3-6 months and 6 months. I'm still getting used to the sizing system. Regardless, she has plenty of clothes.
Diapers; Comfortably size 2 now. I have a wholesale size box of size 2s in the garage and I have a feeling she'll be in size 3 once we finish that.
Feeding: Other than a little bit of supplementing in the first week, R2D2 has been exclusively breast fed for 5 months. That being said, I'm taking a step back. I've been exhausting myself waking to pump or staying up late to pump after she's gone to bed. I was keeping up, but I wasn't making time for myself. I pumped daily while driving to work and my shoulder and neck ached so much. I've decided to cut out pumping while driving to work unless I didn't get to feed her before I left and I'm stopping staying up late just to pump after she's gone to bed. It took over a month for me to accept this, but I have. I'm still making enough for her to have 3-4 bottles of breast milk a day and then she gets about 1 bottle of formula. The first day Joe said she didn't mind it, but the second day she definitely made a face and pushed the bottle away. I don't want to waste my milk, so I'm not going to mix breast milk with formula in one bottle. If she's hungry, she'll get used it to.
Milestones: R2D2 can now roll from her back to her tummy. She rolled tummy to back when she was about 3 months and did that several times for about 2 weeks, then stopped. She still doesn't roll tummy to back that much any more.
Sleep: We're still working on sleep. For the most part, she can now fall asleep on her own in the crib, however she's still not consistently sleeping more than 5 hours before starting to wake every 3-4 to feed.
I know there is more. I can't put down all of the changes and joys she's brought us in just one post, however, I hope she'll enjoy reading these when she gets older.
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