Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Sayonara Breast Pump!

Well, for the most part, I'm done pumping!  The past couple of days I realized how nice it has been not to pump at work anymore.  I'm fortunate that we're still breast feeding about twice a day, but I decided once we hit a year and I started my new job I wasn't going to pump anymore.  I feel fortunate because I feel like I was able to multitask while pumping, but it's definitely nice to eat or do work without being hooked up to the pump.  I'm also LOVING wearing dresses again!  I love dresses, but it was always so hard to pump in them so I feel like I haven't really worn a dress regularly for a year. 

I work one night a week and Joe had to put Bri down to bed that night, so I'm still pumping when I come home, but I can deal with that.

And here's a picture from this morning
"No Mommy, you are not going. I'm going to block the door and I'll go ahead and call your boss."


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