Tuesday, September 6, 2011


$1600, that's approximately how much it cost me to have two ultrasounds and a D&C for a baby I never had the opportunity to meet. I received the first bill two weeks ago, and that was rough. I had seen my insurance claims online and knew the bill was coming, but I never realized how heart wrenching it was going to be to write the check for the ultrasound that confirmed no growth. Needless to say, two weeks ago was a horrible week all around. I did a little jig on the day I checked the mail and didn't have a bill. Last week I received the bill for the D&C and have been putting off paying that one (finances and emotions). Well, I just wrote that check and I'll put it in the mail tomorrow. I'm hoping this is the last check I'll ever have to write for an experience such as this. That thought made it a little easier to write the check.

I am beyond grateful we have insurance, but that "20%" still adds up.


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