Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Update on Resolutions...

Thank God 2009 is 12 months long because I'm definitely not meeting all of my resolutions. School is so busy right now and I need to be studying much more, but I'm so freaking tired. I feel like I hardly see Joe since I'm in bed by 9 every night...but enough of that. So working out 3x a week, yeah umm...I think that's on hold for another 3.5 months. When I get off early and if I'm not on call on the weekends, I'm trying to work out, but it's usually not 3x a week. What sucks is I love food so much and since I'm not burning calories working out, I have to cut back on food even more. I've lost 4 pounds since the first of the month, but I haven't redeveloped any of my muscle tone back...

Reading for leisure...about 10 pages a night. I'm glad I can do some, but it's not on pace with my 25 in 2009. It doesn't help that the book is 1000 pages.

Church/faith. One of my friends out here said it best, "Faith takes work." I've yet to put the work into redeveloping my faith. I used to have a "religious high" after church and I haven't had that for months now. Any unsolicited advice great appreciated.


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