Since it's the last day of 2009, I figured I'd review my resolutions from this year and see how I did. Hopefully tomorrow I'll take the time to post my resolutions for 2010, but I'm still developing them.
1. Lose 5-10 pounds - Looking on, I'm exactly one pound less than this time last year. I'm ok with that, at least I didn't gain any over the year. 2. Workout 3 times a week - Overall, I think I completed this one. I had knee surgery at the end of August and that definitely has been motivation to do my PT at least 3x a week. I'm slowly getting back to pain free elliptical and biking. I'm hoping to start running again in 2010, we'll see how the pain is.
3. Learn digital photography with my new dSLR - umm, my food photos have improved, but this is definitely still a major work in progress.
4. Maintain bikini line and shave legs more often - yeah, umm, I'm still lazy on this.
5. Read at least 25 pleasure books in 2009 - exceeded this goal, woo hoo! I read 55!
6. Go to church weekly/redevelop my faith life - I am truly in a faith crisis. Hoping to work on this in 2010 too. I did not go to church weekly. I went to mass the fewest times ever in any of the years of my life this year.
7. Less clutter and more cleanliness - we'll have to ask Joe about this one. I'll stay I think it's going to be a constant work in progress for my whole life.
8. Improve communication with Joe (more of what he needs to work on, but I'm not perfect either, so it's a joint resolution) - We had 9 weeks of long distance this year, I'm pretty proud of our communication then. Still room for improvement on both parts, but we definitely had more communication this year.