Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Surgery Today

Today was the big day. I remember absolutely nothing of the surgery, which is always good. They put me up on the table, gave me some fentanyl and versad, and then I was out. I woke up in recovery and my first thought was, "Wow, that was some good sleep." Then I opened up my eyes and remembered I just had surgery.

Last night I realized what I was most nervous about. It wasn't the surgery, but the IV. I have small rolling veins and have passed out after several attempts to get me. They usually have to use a butterfly, but since I was getting fluids, it had to be a bigger needle. Surprisingly, at this hospital the anesthesiologists are the ones who place the IV. He numbed up the site with a little lidocaine and then stuck me first try. He said they always numb it up first.

Before surgery, Joe stopped by to say hello. Isn't he handsome in his scrubs? Then the doc came in and marked correct leg. Don't want to operate on the wrong one of course.

The doc removed my plica. He said it wasn't as large as they thought it was and my knee cap needed some more realignment, so they did a lateral release. I'm glad they did everything at once, it just means my recovery will be a little bit longer.

Mom and Joe have been so helpful. I can get around, but it's easier not to always be refilling my cup, etc. Mom's funny. She keeps asking Joe where her messy daughter went, Joe just smirks. Joe's also funny, he laughs every time I ask him to do something for me. When asked why, "I'm just so not used to you asking for stuff. You usually do everything yourself."


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