Friday, May 21, 2010

It'll be a LOOOONG Summer...

...for my lil bro!
After a game of tackle football today, here's his right wrist. Fortunately he's left handed, so he can still eat, write, etc. However, my brother spends almost all of his downtime playing x-box. Unfortunately, he can't hold his controller, so he's a little lost. He'll follow-up with the orthopedic next week to get a hard cast and find out how long it'll all be on. In the mean time, we'll be waiting on him. We've stopped at Redbox to try to load up on DVDs since he can do that one handed. Let's see how long it us until we all go crazy :p


Unknown said...

Aw that sucks! I know how hard it is to have a broken hand/wrist. Thankfully he can still function fairly well with it being his right. Movies are great and books. Anything he can do with his legs will help. Lots of walks helped me.
Hopefully it doesn't take too long to heal!

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