As mentioned, I'd like to learn more about photography this year. I discovered I Heart Faces photography blog a couple of months ago. Every Friday they have a "fix it" photo. I haven't had the time to participate until today, so here you go.
Here's the original:

And here are my edits:
I know the focus is on the birthday boy, but I felt it essential to keep the smiling lady and lady helping blow out the candles in the photo too!
There really wasn't any madness to my "fix" other than playing around with Photoshop Elements. I originally only did the first edit, but after seeing some others, I wanted to see if I could remove the green dot on the boy's hair. I ended up using PSE's healing brush to do so. I also played around with the color saturation and I think I like the boy's coloring better in the second than the first.
Great subtle fixes!
well done! (I'm a newbie fixer, too :D)
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