Monday, January 4, 2010

States Fever

You know the expression "cabin fever?" Well I have serious states fever right now. I was fortunate enough to travel out of the country for four years in a row and now I haven't left the country for 3 years. Don't get me wrong, I love the US, but there's just something special about getting out of the states and seeing a culture that's not American.

Joe and I have yet to go on our "honeymoon," and keep saying we want to go to Italy. For a while I thought we'd be going this summer, but it might not be the most pragmatic. Hopefully we're moving back East for a residency, so we'll have to set up a new home. Plus, Joe is going to need to find a new job and it won't look so hot if he says, "oh by the way, I need two weeks off for my Italy vacation," the first day. We saved our money from the wedding for this trip, so a large chunk is basically already paid for, we just have to find the time.

I kind of took Joe off guard this weekend. I came across another future pediatric resident who had the travel bug and booked a trip with a tour group to Europe by herself last year. I proposed this idea to Joe as a last resort if we can't find a time together in the near future. I think I hurt his feelings and thought I'd rather travel without him. That's not the case at all! It just never crossed my mind to go by myself and I could totally see myself doing that if it came to it.

For the time being, however, it looks like we'll be sticking in the states for at least the next several months. Darn money, time, and responsibility.


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