Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Knee Update

Since it's been a while since the last knee update, I figured I'd catch my imaginary readers up to speed.

I'd love to say that my knee is completely back to normal, but unfortunately that's not the case.

I was a very bad patient the month of December and slacked off on my knee physical therapy exercises--but I was feeling fine. After the holidays and being back in Omaha, I wanted to get back to a normal workout routine. Since I hadn't really been having knee pain, I decided to start Wii's EA active and stopped doing my knee routine. Yes, I still did some exercises here and there, but not the full workout.

Sigh. It seems my knee isn't ready for me to do EA active. I'm not sure if it was the running in place, jumps, or just doing other exercises that caused my knee to start hurting again. It was mostly an ache. It didn't get worse with exercises, but it didn't get better with rest either.

This week I decided I need to leave EA active behind and go back to my knee physical therapy routine. I want to do some more cardio in there too, so I won't make my knee routine my only type of workout.

Good news. Since going back to my knee routine this week and avoid EA active, I haven't really had any pain. As a bonus--I did thirty minutes of the elliptical without pain today! Seven months ago that would have been unheard of. So, yes, I'm making progress, but I'm still a little bummed I don't have a completely normal knee yet. I still take one naprosyn almost daily though. Sometimes it's for pain, but most of the time I think it's for NSAID withdrawal headaches. Yeah. I need to work on that.


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